Valley Pacific Systems


Q: What is the difference between clay pavers & concrete pavers?
A: Clay pavers are made with real clay that is mixed, extruded and baked in a kiln at very high temperatures. Concrete pavers are made with a special blend of concrete and coloring that is compacted at very high pressures in a special machine.

Q: Who makes the best pavers?
A: There is very little difference between pavers in general. The important difference is that the makers of the pavers are following all standards and requirements in regards to paver production. Paving materials can vary from one manufacturer to the next. The qualities that make a paver perfect are its compressive strength, water absorption rate and abrasion index.

Q: What happens if I have to do a repair job below the paver stones? Does it leave an unsightly patch mark?
A: No, that is one of the long-term benefits of installing flexible paving stones. Because all interlocking paver systems are flexible, it will also resist cracking. This is especially beneficial in California which has very expansive soils (and earthquakes!).

Q: Can you do any other types of specialty masonry?
A: Yes, our tradesmen are fully trained masonry professionals. We specialize in matching almost any material and seamlessly installing it so that the repair is undetectable in most cases.

Q: What does "Interlocking Paving" mean?
A: Interlocking paving is a misleading term. What actually constitutes interlocking is really a dynamic function containing three different components. They are "rotational interlock" (resistance to tipping), "horizontal interlock" (resistance to spreading), and "vertical interlock (resistance to sinking)". So, that means for lasting quality you need good containment, good sub-base and proper paver thickness: thicker pavers for driveways and thinner pavers for patios.

Q: After the paver installation is complete, should I seal it?
A: There are many benefits to applying sealer to your new paver driveway, walkways, patios and pool decks. Sealer can help resist stains as well as simplify your upkeep and maintenance. Sealers can enhance the look of your pavers making the color stand out or even providing a “wet” looking finish. There are also natural enhancers that do not change the overall look of the pavers. That being said, sealer can be applied if you would like to take advantage of its benefits of it, but it is not required for your pavers to last.

Q: What can be done to restore cracked or ugly, faded, old concrete?
A: It can be hard to restore or repair old concrete without leaving an unsightly patch, especially if it’s cracked. There are options out there such as painting or staining your concrete, but in most cases we would recommend that you upgrade your concrete slab to interlocking concrete pavers.